House #5, 1st street of Dehbori Road, 3rd District, Kabul
Call us +93 700 025 021

Climate Change


Scholars report that climate change is the biggest threat to both social and ecological systems, especially in arid and semi-arid climatic conditions like Afghanistan. To solve this problem and lessen its threat, we need to address them locally.

Daira Sabz tries to systematically address climate change in its daily operations while supporting our clients in preparing and implementing activities aligned with the Paris Agreement, its financing instruments as well as with countries’ Intended Nationally Determined Contributions.

To help our clients answer questions such as:

  • How will climate change affect my organization/country?
  • Where are the biggest risks?
  • Who is particularly vulnerable?
  • When should I act?
  • What will it cost?
  • How can I manage uncertainties?

In providing policy advice, we aim for a comprehensive policy response across all sectors, considering that delays in action will exponentially increase marginal mitigation and adaptation costs in the future. Hence, we aim to support low carbon development pathways and being aware of the benefits and strengths of integrated and systematic policy development. Along with these lines, we help institutions and private clients in cost-efficient reduction of greenhouse gas emissions strategies and in adapting to the unavoidable impacts of climate change in due time.

We identify the threats and opportunities of climate and climate change and design effective adaptation plans for the built and natural environment. We help ensure that future infrastructure is resilient and through our carbon management capability, also mitigates further impact.

Our experienced team of climate change and adaptability experts provide:


1- Strategic Advice on Climate Change Policy and Regulation

We develop socio-economic scenarios alongside climate change scenarios to help government bodies and private sector organisations understand the true impact of climate change. We can develop and implement policies to adapt to or mitigate climate change and can assess the consequences of emissions reduction pathways on economic sectors.

2- Climate Change Risk Assessment

We undertake thorough assessments of the threats and opportunities of climate change based on:

  • Assessment of weather-related risks
  • Interpretation and development of future scenarios
  • Data analysis and modelling
  • Risk assessment

3- Adaptation and Adaptation Advice

Daira Sabz’s core strategic business areas include the fields of agriculture and rural development, forestry, and natural resources management, water supply and wastewater, governance and urban development, and health. This multi-disciplinary experience provides the basis for delivering effective climate change adaptation strategies and technical solutions. Daira Sabz’s services include design, implementation, monitoring, management and evaluation of projects on adaptation measures in various sectors, as well as assessment of costs and opportunities of climate change adaptation potentials, training on climate-proofing, and special studies on adaptation.

DS provides evidence-based advice on the practicality, affordability and delivery of adaptation at policy, programme and project/operational level, including:

  • Methods to increase adaptive capacity
  • Solutions for realizing adaptation
  • Prioritization and optimization of responses
  • Advice on the management of uncertainties
4- Climate Change Tools

We develop a range of tools to help businesses and stakeholders understand, manage and monitor climate change, impacts and adaptation, including:

  • Databases
  • Indicator development
  • GIS (geographical information systems)
5- Mitigation and Mitigation Advice

To address climate change mitigation, Daira Sabz focuses on the energy sector, on the sector of land use, land-use change and forestry and on climate finance.

Our services range from appropriate land use planning to the complex implementation of funds for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). They also comprise the promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency as well as structuring and managing dedicated funds for climate-related energy projects and sector programs, and national adaptation strategies’ development.   Daira Sabz provides consultancy services to governments, development agencies, and private clients.

Our carbon management capability provides our clients with mitigation opportunities from renewable energy sources for buildings to spatial planning that reduces transport demand.


For getting a complete insight into our Climate Change services, click here.