House #5, 1st street of Dehbori Road, 3rd District, Kabul
Call us +93 700 025 021

Natural Resource Management


Natural Resources Management plays an essential role in the development of a country. Successful natural resource management requires balancing the competing pressures of development and resource use with the protection of our natural environment.

This is a critical challenge with the increasing demands of population growth, urbanization, climate change, and the need for ecologically sustainable development solutions.

Our professional, multidisciplinary team of ecologists, environmental scientists, hydrologists, climatologists, and technical professionals are recognized industry leaders in the following core service areas:

  1. Protected Area Management,
  2. Forest Landscape Restoration,
  3. Payment for Environmental Services,
  4. Water-related services.
  1. Protected Area Management

Daira Sabz believes that long-term success in PA management requires an integration of PAs and their management into the broader landscape or seascape and the concerns of society. Involving the private sector in the development of sustainable business opportunities in PAs and the intervening landscape is an essential element of our concept. Our key objective is to foster forest-dependent people, intermediary bodies, and partners through capacity building so they can develop organizationally, ecologically, and socially in a sustainable and self-determined way. DS´s scope of services delivery in PA management focuses on three building blocks:

  • Protected Area Planning and Management
  • Protected Area Governance and Capacity Building
  • Community-Based Protected Area Management

1.2 Forest Landscape Restoration

FLR focuses on forests and the restoration of the whole area to create multiple benefits and different land uses. DS complements approaches to the improvement of food security and mitigation and adaptation of climate change, including smart agriculture and REDD+. Developing and implementing reforestation measures and strengthening forest governance are vital elements of DS’s FLR consulting services. In addition, DS provides forest monitoring services through drones and satellite images, develops supply chains for forest products and agricultural goods, and supports ministries and government administrations in implementing national programs and regulations for forest rehabilitation and protection.

Our FLR services focus on:

  • Forest Land (reforestation, natural regeneration, rehabilitation and sustainable forest management)
  • Agricultural Land (Agroforestry, Improving Fallow Land)
  • Protective Land and Buffers (Watershed protection and erosion control)
  • Forest Management
1.3 Payment for Environmental Services (Preserving Ecosystems by Valuation of Its Services)

In recent years, significant uplifts have been made in our understanding of and capacity to communicate the benefits that ecosystem services provide for human well-being and establish the values people place on these services. DS works in providing services in four PES types stated below:

  • Carbon Sequestration and Storage (REDD+ and Ecosystem-based Adaptation or EbA)
  • Biodiversity Protection (Biodiversity-based value)
  • Landscape Beauty (Water-based eco-tourism)
  • Watershed Protection (Drinking Water Supply)

The range of DS’s services includes the implementation of studies, as well as giving conceptual, strategic, and technical advice in:

  • Building human and institutional capacity for developing and implementing PES schemes
  • Economic valuation of ecosystem services
  • Development and implementation of pilot PES schemes in all four PES types
  • Policy development and implementation to integrate and increase the relevance of PES in policymaking
  • Design and establishment of sustainable financing mechanisms for biodiversity, water and carbon users (Conservation Trust Funds, REDD+, etc.),
  • Mainstreaming PES schemes into land-use planning and management tools
  • Forest management
  • Design and implementation of awareness-raising campaigns and training programs on PES.
1.4 Water

DS is a leading full-service provider of water-related consulting services, meeting today’s water resources challenges.

We help our clients manage and balance clean and safe water supply; develop resilient water infrastructure systems that adapt to climate variability and extreme natural events; provide for sustainable environments and healthy ecosystems, and integrate smart technologies and innovative solutions to improve the efficiencies of programs. Our Key Service Areas are as follows:

1.4.1 Water Supply

  • Potable and non-potable water supply planning, including surface water and groundwater sources
  • Expert advice and planning in water treatment
  • Transmission and distribution systems design
  • Water intakes, storage and pump stations design
  • Hydrogeology services
  • Water testing
  • Water Supply Master Plan
  • Drinking-Water and Reuse
  • Water systems asset management

1..4.2 Wastewater/ Reclaimed Water

We are helping to address the world’s water-energy nexus and pushing modern sanitation forward by providing cost-effective and sustainable wastewater solutions to ensure more people have access to clean water and a healthier environment. Hence, we are providing the following wastewater services:

  • Condition assessment
  • Sewershed analysis and planning
  • Wastewater facilities planning and design
  • Asset management and facility optimization
  • Construction management and site inspection
  • Water reuse planning
  • Natural treatment systems design
1.4.3 Surface Water/Water Resources
  • Integrated water resource management
  • Integrated watershed planning and management
  • Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) and controls and Flood risk management

Green infrastructure planning and design

  • Ecosystem assessment and applied fluvial geomorphology
  • Stream, river and wetland restoration
  • Climate change adaptation, resilience and extreme weather resiliency planning
  • Flood control planning and engineering
  • Hydraulic control structures design
  • Drainage systems planning and design
  • Dams, levees and reservoirs
  • Natural infrastructure planning and design
  • Watershed management
  • Water quality management
  • Ecosystem planning and restoration
  • Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Development
  • Rural Infrastructure Development
  • Establishment and Capacity Building of Water User Associations
  • Support to Water Authorities
  • Climate Change Impact Analysis on Water Resources
  • Industrial & Mine Water Management
1.4.4 Our Intelligent Water Solutions:
  • Residuals resource recovery management
  • Natural treatment systems design
  • Master and facility planning
  • Feasibility studies
  • Conceptual design
  • Detail design
  • Quality assurance and quality control
  • Cost Estimating
  • Project management

In addition to the mentioned four main NRM sections, we are also working in the following areas:

  • Terrestrial and wetland ecological survey and assessment
  • Biodiversity offset strategies and offset site management plans
  • Flora and fauna impact assessment and mitigation
  • Flora and fauna baseline survey

Threatened and endangered species survey, assessment and management

  • Ecosystem restoration, reclamation, rehabilitation
  • Arborist assessments
  • Ecological risk assessment and mitigation
  • Integrated landscape and catchment management
  • Carbon management services like greenhouse gases inventory and carbon reduction strategy
  • Natural resource policy management and evaluation
  • Botanical Surveys
  • Endangered Species Consultations
  • Habitat Evaluation Wildlife Surveys & Management
  • Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP)
  • Vegetation Analysis
  • Restoration Planning and Implementation
  • Environmental Documentation Permitting and Compliance
  • Soil Conservation and Erosion Control
  • Livelihood and Socio-Economic Development
  • Eco-Tourism Development

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